


  Dear Faculty and Staff:

  This week should have been the first week of school after the winter holiday. We should have been hearing sounds of students’ reading or playing, yet the campus remains quiet and closed.

  This winter holiday felt like an eternity due to the unexpected coronavirus outbreak. When Wuhan first reported a novel coronavirus incident, perhaps we did not realize the virus would impact us in Chengdu; when the virus was confirmed to spread through human contact, perhaps we still felt the epicenter was far from us; at presentwhen the novel coronavirus is affecting everyone’s daily lives, perhaps we begin to realize that no one person can withstand this epidemic alone. We are a community unifiedby a shared event.


  Medical professionals from across the nation rushed to Hubei province to provide medical support. Countless ordinary people volunteered to the front line in Wuhan, without regard to their own personal safety. Other citizens answer to the call from the government - “stay home and avoid crowds.”  At this time, our lives are interconnected. By managing and protecting ourselves, we are also protecting others. We all are making contribution in this fight against the epidemic. 

  The faculty and staff of CMIS are also making valiant efforts to combat this epidemic.Among them, the academic leaders and teachers surveyed the community to identify potential instances of infection; operations team and security guards who remained on campus to safeguard this community; our homeroom teachers who are in frequent communication with our parents and students; the cleaning team who carefully clean and disinfect the campus regularly. Lastly, everyone has been diligently updating health condition daily.We are all doing our part to safeguard this community and this campus.

   疫情期间,我们的生活有诸多不便。董事会响应政府号召,对老师亦有诸多防控方面的要求,也尽最大的努力,积极给予老师生活上的支持。而作为教育工作者,面对2200多名学生和他们的家庭,我们牢记着我们教书育人的使命。许多老师克服困难,返蓉隔离14天。学校也给与外地返蓉的教职工各种支持。非常时期,心有余而力有所不逮,不周到之处,请谅解。 “停课不停学”,是另一个挑战。线上教学或是网络远程办公;选择合适合宜的内容,探索新的教育教学方式,我们重任在肩。望各位老师,在做好自己防护居家隔离的同时,投入到新的任务,教育引导学生在家学习,不负时光不负韶华。疫情,改变了我们的生活方式。作为传递知识文化薪火的知识分子,相信老师们会有更深刻的思考。相信经历过这场刻不容情的考验,我们会有所得有所悟。请教给学生,让他们学会用多维度多层面去认识和思考。请把IB“用教育让世界更美好”的理念,结合那些抗疫一线普通人物的感人故事,传达给他们。告诉他们,在他们身后,是大批守护我们生命的可敬的人;希望他们未来有所建树,去创造更美好的生活;也坚定他们的信念,那些打不跨我们的,终将使我们更强大!

  Everyone’s daily life is impacted by this novel coronavirus situation. The CMIS Board of Director is closely abiding by the requirements from the government, and has requested numerous prevention and control practices of our faculty and staff. At the same time, we continue to make efforts to support our teachers and staff during this difficult time. I am often reminded that we are guardians to more than 2200 students and their families, and as educators we must bear in mind our mission to teach and educate our learners.I am very appreciative of the many faculty and staff who are overcoming travel difficulties to return to Chengdu and observe the 14-day self-quarantine. The school is also providing financial support to help our teachers and staff to return to Chengdu. During this extraordinary time, we appreciate your support and understanding for any inconvenience caused. Distance learning is another new challenge. Teachers are tasked with     experimenting with online learning, while others are learning how to conduct their work remotely. 

  Despite these challenges, I applaud you for selecting appropriate content and exploring new teaching methods. I hope all faculty and staff observe good safety practices at home, and continue to guide our students to study at home.  This novel coronavirus situation has changed our way of life. As intellectuals and as educators, I trust you have your own profound thoughts and reflections. Learning and education occur all around us, and I encourage you to share your perspective about this extraordinary time with our students, and ask our students to learn and reflect from multiple perspectives.Please also convey the mission of an IB education, which is to “create a better world through education” and intertwine with the real stories of ordinary people in the front line of the epidemic. Allow our students to appreciate that there are many people who put their lives on the line to protect ours. Hope our students can reflect on this time and make the best of their lives’ opportunities, and reaffirm our belief – that which does not defeat us, make us stronger. 


  This year marks the 18th birthday for CMIS, and I believe this incident has made this school stronger and even more connected. I am also more confident than ever in the school’s future because of the dedication and support from all our faculty and staff. This winter season will surely pass. I hope this epidemic will come to an end soon, so we can all enjoy the beautiful campus during the spring season. By then, we can once again run under the trees, bathe under the bright sunshine and embrace a new spring. 

  Best wishes, stay safe and see you in the Spring!














在成都美视国际学校IB部的学生能否参加中国中考高考 ?

不能。因为IB课程与国内高考的内容及标准完全不同。注册为英文班(即教学语言为英文)IB学生后 ,不能保留中国学籍。PYP中文班的学生可以保留中国学籍。














